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2014年12月10日 距动漫节开幕还有  225  天
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    《Ma maman est en Amérique, elle rencontre buffalo-bill 》

    《我妈妈在美洲,她遇到了水牛比尔》 (2013)

    导演 :Marc Boreal/Thibaut Chatel My mother is in America and meets buffalo-bill

    70年代的法国小城。6岁的让要上学了。当老师问同学们的爸爸妈妈做什么工作时,让发现他和别人不一样。紧张的他编出了一个答案:“我妈妈是秘书。”其实,让的妈妈一直在外旅行,她不断给儿子的小邻居米谢尔寄明信片,以便这个已经识字的小女孩把她的旅行故事读给让听。然而事实却另有真相 。今年,在9月到圣诞节这段时间,让渐渐开始懂了……

    In the 70s, Jean, a 6-year-old boy, in a small town of France, is prepared for school. When Jean’s teacher asks students what their parents are, Jean finds that his answer is different from others’. Therefore, in Jean’s turn, he is too tense to tell the truth, and makes up another answer-,--”my mother is a secretary”. As a matter of fact, Jean’s mother is always traveling around the world and constantly sends postcards to Michelle, her son’s neighbor, a literate girl, helping telling her traveling experience to others. On the contrary, there is something unknown behind it. This year, during the September and the Christmas Day ,Jean starts to understand it gradually.
